The Flash Festival took place at the La Brea Tar Pit's Page Museum. The first play I directed was Joe Luis Cedillo's "The Party". Here I worked with a tremendously talented cast of Chalk Rep regulars and UCSD Alum; Tony Amendola, Minerva Garcia, Cate Scott Campbell, Sara Garcia, Spencer Devlin Howard, Ezequiel Guerra, Channing Sargent. The piece is about a fundraiser gone awry as an Occupy protest quarantines the party into a small section of the Page Museum.
As the they came in, the actors were scattered throughout the space to encourage mingling, but the audience made a direct B-line to sit down on the carpeted steps. After each performance the actors and I brainstormed about what we could do to "direct" the audience into behaving the way we wanted. While they never fully complied, what we got was the added element of an extremely unpredictable audience experience that kept the actors' performances fresh and alive.

The Flash Festival also gave me the opportunity to direct "Hatchlings" a strange, disturbing and beautifully poetic new play by Eva Anderson. I can only describe it as "Brave New World" if it were written by Samuel Beckett. Anderson used the Museum's Paleontology "Fish-Bowl" as the setting for a Sci-fi dystopian love story. Spencer Devlin Howard played Vee, the "Hatcher of Hatchlings" and the lovely Zoe Chao was Jay, an old friend who now works in the archives. |

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